Friday, March 17, 2006

Yard Sale and Order Screw Ups

I am exhausted. Today marks 5 weeks post op so I still cant lift, but I ran a yard sale today. It was 8 families...I have the best location so I get nominated often to have them at my house. I made really good money so that was a definite plus.

Of course I will need the extra money to fix the screw up that the check ordering company caused.

I know partially it is my fault too. When I received my box of checks in the mail I checked them out to make sure they had our name, address and so on correct. Dummy me did not look at the account number at the bottom of the check. Because if I had I would have seen that the numbers were transversed. Causing the bank to send back checks to people saying no account existed. Because there is no account for that number. Ugh such a pain 10 checks out have 4 taken care of. Don't know about the fees and all on the others. Havent got in touch with the check ordering place. So going to spend a lot of time getting this all straightened out.

We are in for a rainy weekend and I am thinking of just hibernating at home.


Heather/SHTEZQ said...

the check thing sucks. hope you get it fixed soon
I also hope you are enjoying the last of your spring break

Unknown said...

I would think the check company should be at partial fault. True you should have checked which now that you mention it in the past i have always just checked the name and address but not the account number so when my box of new checks came in yesterday I did just that lol. See i learn from your mistakes too. But the least the check company could do is pay at least half of all fees I mean it was their screw up after all. Hope it all works out

Yeah on the yard sale.

Tamara said...

Just had a garage sale,got rained out!! Big bummer!
cool blog tho!
Take Care,