Sunday, March 26, 2006

Trying to teach a lesson

Last weekend she had to write 30 words about lying. This weekend Britt got in trouble for hitting her brother.

Punishment she had to play whatever he wanted her to for two hours. She couldn't say no and she had to be happy about it. She had to be agreeable and play whatever he said.

She said "Mom I wont hit Braden again I will walk away because I dont like having to do everything he says"....hoping it sticks.


Unknown said...

okay i'm writing this stuff down... got anything for messy rooms

kel said...

Luckily Britt loves to clean her room and just freaks if it gets messed up so havent had to come up with one for that yet...but I will probably have too soon because I can see Braden getting worse with that issue.

Heather/SHTEZQ said...

that is a terrific Idea. you should think about writing a book

Brighton said...

That is a good idea, brilliant punishment. I always rolled my eyes at myself when I would hit my kids for hitting the other kids. Yeah, good message!

trisha said...

hey- good idea, i might have to try that one with my two.

manababies said...

Hmm, this does sound like a good idea! I'm anxious to see if it works out for you!