Thursday, March 09, 2006

Changing his tune

Braden stayed home from school again today because of the dental surgery. In reality he probably could have went but they are out of school tommorow and next week is Spring Break so I thought better to be safe and keep him home.

I ran into town to do some work and Matt was working in his office watching Braden. I called to check in about 10:30 and Matt said he should have gone to school he is bouncing off the walls. So I had him put Braden on the phone.

Me: Hi Buddy, how are you?
Braden: I am GREAT!
Me: You are?
Braden: Yep I feel great.
Me: Then I guess I can tell daddy to go ahead and take you to school for the rest of the day.
Braden: Oh I forgot I am not great I am just half great so I need to stay home since I only feel half great.


Unknown said...

Lol that's funny

manababies said...

Hehe, what a character. I think it is better to be safe than sorry though. My daughter once complained of a belly ache, but then I thought she was just making it up so she could stay home and watch tv. Lo and behold, she threw up at school! Ugh, I still feel guilty about that - moreso for the teacher.