Tuesday, March 21, 2006


I started my day by prying Braden's hands off the door knob and physically dragging him from the car for school. All the while he is screaming "It's not fair, it's not fair she gets to watch tv, I will be sick too".

All because Brittney is home with an ear infection.

Oh what a fine way to start the day.

Now there have been more times than I could begin to count that he has stayed home from school because we just thought there was a chance he might be coming down with something, or that he was acting a bit off and we were afraid it was a seizure onset. But this morning he was fine and Brittney needed to stay home. You would have thought I was physically killing the child.

Of course I called his aide 15 minutes after I dropped him off and she said he was mad but acting fine. It is that fine line I walk with a special needs kid of protecting him and taking extra care of him but not letting him just run the show.


Heather/SHTEZQ said...

You are so right on when my son was alive I firmly believed that even though he had special needs did not mean that he did not know right from wrong he would through stuff at my daughter and do it out of anger so I would but him adn his wheelchair in the corner for time out.Do not get me wrong I know there are some kids out there that honestly do not know right from wrong but not in your sons case or my sons case.

I have worked with special needs kids for years and let me tell you I have seen the bad behavoirs stem from mam and dad saying well he just doesn't get it or I do not want him to feel different then danm it do not treat him diferent is what I say.
There are exceptions and I am sure you know but I give you props for raising him in the eyes of a normal child because of you he will learn right from wrong and grow up knowing he can do anything that he puts his mind to.

you r an awsome mom

ok well that comment is way to long hopw you do not mindd.

Unknown said...

OMGosh lol. What a morning