Monday, February 06, 2006

Tied Hands

If you try you can probably feel the frustration rolling off of me.

I am ticked off as well as frustrated.

A year ago hubby was elected to school board. He ran because he questioned how somethings were done and why. Not that I am partial or anything but I think he is an awesome school board member because he does ask questions.

Of course those he asks questions about dont like it. They keep making comments well the other school board members dont do this, they dont ask about this and so on. Well darn it maybe they should and then something would get done.

What is so frustrating though is that everything hubby trys to do seems to be hampered by some law or by some administrative decision.

They think that since hubby is on board he shouldnt do other things (like visit with kids teachers, be on PTA, be at the school). Just because he is school board member doesnt mean he isnt a dad darn it. It just gets me riled because he wants to be involved and wants to do these things. There is no law that says he cant be on school board, on PTA, be at the school, talk to teachers, etc. But apparently it is a small town politc thing.

Parents are rallying which is a good thing we recently got 200 signatures thinking this would help but no the administration doesnt even have to pay attention to it. Parents are glad hubby is on the board and trying to make a change, administration not so much. Ugh so bottom line is hubby is trying to make a positive change and small town crapola politics and good old boy network is tying his hands. Ugh.


Jody said...

ugh sorry he and you are going through all this. It's sad really the school is always saying that parent's should get more involved but when they do look what happens ugh!!

Brighton said...

I'd say good luck, but that would imply that it would actually make a difference. Sadly, it won't.

Unknown said...

So basically Matt is the only one doing anything right. Cause in my opinion being on the board means you should be involved. You should be at the school looking things over. You should be talking to the teachers even if you don't have kids.