I have the blah's the down in the dumps, whatever you want to call it.
I am not feeling well I think I overdid it a little. I go in for the doc to look at my incision on Wednesday. I want to be all better I want to be able to workout on my gazelle I want to be able to do fun stuff with my hubby (yes I mean that kind of fun stuff), I want all the stuff with this hysterectomy to be done.
Tommorow I have a dentist appointment because having a 7 inch gash across my stomach isnt enough fun I want to add getting a crown to my things to do.
Wednesday I have an IEP meeting for Braden. For those of you that don't have a child with special issues an IEP is an Independent Education Profile. These are due each and every yet. Last week I reminded the special education director at the school that Braden's IEP was due. He argued that it wasn't till April. Well I was write he called and oops he had overlooked the date and yes we need to have one immediately. Then on top of that he tells me that he is embarressed but they have lots of all of Braden's IEP's (very important documents) since 2004 and could I bring my copies so they could copy them. Doesnt that just inspire confidence in the special education program? So I am trying to get everything organized that I want to ask for to be in place for next year.
Tonight Matt got a crank call about his position on school board. It was from a grown man and wasnt too kind. How mature is that? and sadly it is probably kin to one of the teachers that Matt has crossed paths with.
Matt is covering me at the PTA meeting tonight since it definetly wasnt one of my best days. So instead of PTA I get to watch Power Ranger Mystic Force, oh joy!
Monday, February 27, 2006
Saturday, February 25, 2006
True Love
How is it I have come to raise a boy crazy 2nd grader and a Casanova in training 1st grader.
Conversation with Braden regarding Emma in his class.
Braden: Emma is my girlfriend.
Me: She is that is good.
Braden: Yeah but she bugs me.
Me: Then why is she your girlfriend?
Braden: Because she is cute mom.
Me: But if she bugs you then you dont want her to be your girlfriend, do you?
Braden: *sigh* mommmmmmmmmmmm, I will just tell her not to talk to me or touch me but that she can still be my girlfriend she just has to leave me alone. I still love her even if she is annoying because mom she is cute.
Conversation with Braden regarding Emma in his class.
Braden: Emma is my girlfriend.
Me: She is that is good.
Braden: Yeah but she bugs me.
Me: Then why is she your girlfriend?
Braden: Because she is cute mom.
Me: But if she bugs you then you dont want her to be your girlfriend, do you?
Braden: *sigh* mommmmmmmmmmmm, I will just tell her not to talk to me or touch me but that she can still be my girlfriend she just has to leave me alone. I still love her even if she is annoying because mom she is cute.
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Goin Dancin!
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Bites are made for Poppin
Britt has seen the Pizza Hut "These Bites are Made for Poppin" commercial several times. Of course if it is on a commercial than we must try it.
She wasnt feeling good this evening and mentioned that for dinner. So I called hubby who had Braden at speech and they picked up the Poppin Bites Pizza for dinner.
Let me just say....first off the bites do not just pop off the crust, and second the cheesy bites were lacking the cheese as it seemed most of it had seeped out during cooking. It wasn't a bad pizza but it was by no means a great pizza either.
But regardless of the taste of the pizza it is the theme song that wont leave my head!
She wasnt feeling good this evening and mentioned that for dinner. So I called hubby who had Braden at speech and they picked up the Poppin Bites Pizza for dinner.
Let me just say....first off the bites do not just pop off the crust, and second the cheesy bites were lacking the cheese as it seemed most of it had seeped out during cooking. It wasn't a bad pizza but it was by no means a great pizza either.
But regardless of the taste of the pizza it is the theme song that wont leave my head!
Gray Cloud
This day has been one of those where you just feel that a gray cloud is hanging over.
My very good friend is in Oklahoma City where her daughter is undergoing a back surgery. The sad thing is this surgery didn't have to take place except that there was a malfunction with a rod that was originally placed and it broke. I am still waiting to here that Nicole is out of surgery.
The school nurse called and Braden was not acting himself. I watched him very closely and it did appear he was having some petite mal seizures. So I dont know if he is fighting off a bug or what. He has been doing so good and I can't stand the thought of him having a set back.
I went for my check up for my heart and blood pressure it went fine but I was again reminded that the abdominal hysterectomy is a major surgery and that I cannot be up and doing what I feel I need to be doing. Just frustrating. Also he explained why I was feeling the burning sensation (I had overdone it and pulled the muscles).
I was reading my blogs and read Secret Flight and the tragic news that her one week old baby boy passed away. Just broke my heart for her and her family.
Just one of those days where I just cant seem to get in my usual chipper mood. Too much seems to be cloudy. Maybe tommorow will be a chipper day and I can report that Nicole came through surgery and that Braden is doing good....here's hoping for a clear sunny day tommorow.
My very good friend is in Oklahoma City where her daughter is undergoing a back surgery. The sad thing is this surgery didn't have to take place except that there was a malfunction with a rod that was originally placed and it broke. I am still waiting to here that Nicole is out of surgery.
The school nurse called and Braden was not acting himself. I watched him very closely and it did appear he was having some petite mal seizures. So I dont know if he is fighting off a bug or what. He has been doing so good and I can't stand the thought of him having a set back.
I went for my check up for my heart and blood pressure it went fine but I was again reminded that the abdominal hysterectomy is a major surgery and that I cannot be up and doing what I feel I need to be doing. Just frustrating. Also he explained why I was feeling the burning sensation (I had overdone it and pulled the muscles).
I was reading my blogs and read Secret Flight and the tragic news that her one week old baby boy passed away. Just broke my heart for her and her family.
Just one of those days where I just cant seem to get in my usual chipper mood. Too much seems to be cloudy. Maybe tommorow will be a chipper day and I can report that Nicole came through surgery and that Braden is doing good....here's hoping for a clear sunny day tommorow.
Monday, February 20, 2006
Where did my superhuman abilities go?
Okay it is like I told Matt I want to recover from this abdominal hysterectomy so fast. I want to be the one people say wow too bad you cant do as good as Kel did. That is just my personality I am competitive even with surgery recovery...lol.
But darn it seems that my body doesnt know it is suppose to have superhuman healing abiltiies.
Today is day 10 since surgery and all in all I am doing great. I called the nurse and tried to talk her into letting me drive this week because I had big plans on starting back at the office and going shopping. The nurse said NO WAY she said NO DRIVING at all until this Friday at the earliest. I also had dreams that I would be released to excercise at the gym, and do everything else after my March 1st appt now. I am thinking they will not release me for that until the 6 week mark. Which puts me behind on getting in shape for summer. I researched websites trying to find someone to agree with me that 2 weeks is plently of healing time but couldn't find one to agree with me so I had no leverage to beg hubby with.
Hubby was off today and I thought we would do something with the kids. Afterall I wouldn't be driving and I am doing SO good I could make it out as long as I needed too. I made it through lunch at Olive Garden and one stop at a shoe store that is going out of business until the burning in my stomach and the pain was too much. I had to give my purchase to Matt to pay out while I went to the van. I then came home took a pain pill and crashed.
So I am now working on my abbreviated not quite so jam packed week. I do have a doctor appt with my family doctor tommorow that I had forgotten about so dear hubby will have to drive me to that. I hate admitting there is stuff I cant do. Just my personality but I think today did show me I am not ready for a normal day of driving all over running in here and there going to the office and all quite yet....but surely by next week I will be ;)....and no I am not stubborn at all.
But darn it seems that my body doesnt know it is suppose to have superhuman healing abiltiies.
Today is day 10 since surgery and all in all I am doing great. I called the nurse and tried to talk her into letting me drive this week because I had big plans on starting back at the office and going shopping. The nurse said NO WAY she said NO DRIVING at all until this Friday at the earliest. I also had dreams that I would be released to excercise at the gym, and do everything else after my March 1st appt now. I am thinking they will not release me for that until the 6 week mark. Which puts me behind on getting in shape for summer. I researched websites trying to find someone to agree with me that 2 weeks is plently of healing time but couldn't find one to agree with me so I had no leverage to beg hubby with.
Hubby was off today and I thought we would do something with the kids. Afterall I wouldn't be driving and I am doing SO good I could make it out as long as I needed too. I made it through lunch at Olive Garden and one stop at a shoe store that is going out of business until the burning in my stomach and the pain was too much. I had to give my purchase to Matt to pay out while I went to the van. I then came home took a pain pill and crashed.
So I am now working on my abbreviated not quite so jam packed week. I do have a doctor appt with my family doctor tommorow that I had forgotten about so dear hubby will have to drive me to that. I hate admitting there is stuff I cant do. Just my personality but I think today did show me I am not ready for a normal day of driving all over running in here and there going to the office and all quite yet....but surely by next week I will be ;)....and no I am not stubborn at all.
Sunday, February 19, 2006
Picking a Political party already?
My dear hubby is a very conservative Republican. Him and I don't see exactly eye to eye on everything political but we have a lot of similiar running ideas.
So there is real no big political war in our house....until tonight.
You see sweet little 8 year old Britt informed her very Republican daddy that she was for Peace and she was going to be a Democrat and a Vegitarian.
Lots of little things contributed to it and no way would I have thought it would have all been put together in her mind the way she finally put it together.
She was doing a foam craft that included a peace sign. She started talking to me that she didn't believe in war. So I jokingly said you are going to be a Democrat and wont your daddy love that. Well add to this on animal planet a show about enviroment and then some political stuff she had picked up at school and from TV here and there. She put it altogether and then went to inform her daddy what she was going to be a Democrat and a Vegitarian.
It was hilarious I cant put it all down as funny as it was but dear hubby did not take it well and as anyone knows with a kid you are not going to win an argument. The more he tried to on her level explain the more she waved her peace sign that she had made out of foam and got more and more determined no matter what she was definetly going to be a Demorcrat no matter what daddy says!
I guess he has 10 years to change her mind about what party she will join!
So there is real no big political war in our house....until tonight.
You see sweet little 8 year old Britt informed her very Republican daddy that she was for Peace and she was going to be a Democrat and a Vegitarian.
Lots of little things contributed to it and no way would I have thought it would have all been put together in her mind the way she finally put it together.
She was doing a foam craft that included a peace sign. She started talking to me that she didn't believe in war. So I jokingly said you are going to be a Democrat and wont your daddy love that. Well add to this on animal planet a show about enviroment and then some political stuff she had picked up at school and from TV here and there. She put it altogether and then went to inform her daddy what she was going to be a Democrat and a Vegitarian.
It was hilarious I cant put it all down as funny as it was but dear hubby did not take it well and as anyone knows with a kid you are not going to win an argument. The more he tried to on her level explain the more she waved her peace sign that she had made out of foam and got more and more determined no matter what she was definetly going to be a Demorcrat no matter what daddy says!
I guess he has 10 years to change her mind about what party she will join!
Friday, February 17, 2006
Cutest Smile!
What kind of soul? -this one fits me pretty good.
You Are a Peacemaker Soul |
![]() You strive to please others and compromise anyway you can. War or conflict bothers you, and you would do anything to keep the peace. You are a good mediator and a true negotiator. Sometimes you do too much, trying so hard to make people happy. While you keep the peace, you tend to be secretly judgmental. You lose respect for people who don't like to both give and take. On the flip side, you've got a graet sense of humor and wit. You're always dimplomatic and able to give good advice. Souls you are most compatible with: Warrior Soul, Hunter Soul and Visionary Soul |
Thursday, February 16, 2006
News Fix
Both Matt and I had our fill of kids show and both stated we needed a news fix.
His fix he turned on Fox News for some Fair and Balanced news.
My fix E Channel for some E News and celebrity gossip.
He actually scoffed at my version of news...how dare he...I believe the state of Tom and Katie is right up there with what Cheney did or didn't have to drink 5 hours before he went hunting....and besides mine is much more entertaining!
His fix he turned on Fox News for some Fair and Balanced news.
My fix E Channel for some E News and celebrity gossip.
He actually scoffed at my version of news...how dare he...I believe the state of Tom and Katie is right up there with what Cheney did or didn't have to drink 5 hours before he went hunting....and besides mine is much more entertaining!
Finallly getting out...yippee
Okay no more whining at least not for awhile.
Guess what today I get to get out of the house. Who cares if it is for a doctors appointment I am still all excited.
Going to have Matt stop by the law office to pick me up some work to do so I can get some billing hours in before the end of the month.
I am going to take a shower and get in some baggy sweats. If I have baggy clothes left after doing nothing but laying around eating a giant chocolate chip cookie for the last few days!
I will let you know how the outing goes. Of course first thing I will probably do is come home and sleep for a few hours.
On another note our wheather is determined to make everyone sick today the high is 78 and sunny. Tommorow high of 40 with freezing rain and highs in the 20's all weekend.
Guess what today I get to get out of the house. Who cares if it is for a doctors appointment I am still all excited.
Going to have Matt stop by the law office to pick me up some work to do so I can get some billing hours in before the end of the month.
I am going to take a shower and get in some baggy sweats. If I have baggy clothes left after doing nothing but laying around eating a giant chocolate chip cookie for the last few days!
I will let you know how the outing goes. Of course first thing I will probably do is come home and sleep for a few hours.
On another note our wheather is determined to make everyone sick today the high is 78 and sunny. Tommorow high of 40 with freezing rain and highs in the 20's all weekend.
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
It sucks
Doing toe touches just 4 days after abdominal hysterectomy.
Totally recovered in 5 days doing everything perfectly normal.
No sore abdominal no pulling of staples or steri strips.
No pain whatsoever. No restrictions.
Okay so the above things are not happeneing. Dammit. I want superhuman powers.
Friday will mark 1 week and dang it I want to drive and ride in a car and have wild monkey sex and do all that because I totally have no pain and am completely healed.
This 6 week crap will not work I am telling you it just wont work now if I can convince my poor sore abdomen of that I will be doing good.
I want to be the one people refer to when they say "too bad you didn't recover like Kel because she was up and doing everything in just a week".
I hate being down. I hate not being fully recovered. Heck I know it is expected to be down and I know everyone understands but me. I hate it hate it hate it. I was down with my cscetions but that was easier to handle for me mentally because I still had something that I was in control of and could take care of. With this surgery I dont.
And that ends my whine for tonight. Back to my place in the recliner where my mind is rotting away and I feel yucky and I dont want to do anything because it hurts and I dont want it to hurt because I want to do everything.
Totally recovered in 5 days doing everything perfectly normal.
No sore abdominal no pulling of staples or steri strips.
No pain whatsoever. No restrictions.
Okay so the above things are not happeneing. Dammit. I want superhuman powers.
Friday will mark 1 week and dang it I want to drive and ride in a car and have wild monkey sex and do all that because I totally have no pain and am completely healed.
This 6 week crap will not work I am telling you it just wont work now if I can convince my poor sore abdomen of that I will be doing good.
I want to be the one people refer to when they say "too bad you didn't recover like Kel because she was up and doing everything in just a week".
I hate being down. I hate not being fully recovered. Heck I know it is expected to be down and I know everyone understands but me. I hate it hate it hate it. I was down with my cscetions but that was easier to handle for me mentally because I still had something that I was in control of and could take care of. With this surgery I dont.
And that ends my whine for tonight. Back to my place in the recliner where my mind is rotting away and I feel yucky and I dont want to do anything because it hurts and I dont want it to hurt because I want to do everything.
Piddly things
I actually slept half the night in bed last night instead of the recliner. But about 1 am I started hurting and had to move to the recliner again but at least I am starting to see improvment.
I wasnt feeling the best this morning and slept a little after Matt took the kids to school. I then got up took a shower and did just a few little piddly things and that has me feeling better. Just moving some flowers from one room to another emptying a gift bag and things like that. Not that it amounted to much but at least I was up and going.
I am going to have to take a pic of one of the flowers I got when I was in the hospital it is an oriental lily and I just love it I hope I can keep it alive.
My brother was going to come by yesterday and get one of my get well bouquets to give to his girlfriend for Valentines Day...isnt he romantic. Of course loser boy (that is my name for my brother and believe me it fits) ran out of gas before he even got here so I dont know what he ended up doing for his sugar mama for Valentines Day (She works and supports them, she is 16 years older than him).
I just had another slice of cookie from our cookie company cookie sooooo soooo yummy.
Well enough for piddly little things going to sit here and go a little stir crazy now.
I wasnt feeling the best this morning and slept a little after Matt took the kids to school. I then got up took a shower and did just a few little piddly things and that has me feeling better. Just moving some flowers from one room to another emptying a gift bag and things like that. Not that it amounted to much but at least I was up and going.
I am going to have to take a pic of one of the flowers I got when I was in the hospital it is an oriental lily and I just love it I hope I can keep it alive.
My brother was going to come by yesterday and get one of my get well bouquets to give to his girlfriend for Valentines Day...isnt he romantic. Of course loser boy (that is my name for my brother and believe me it fits) ran out of gas before he even got here so I dont know what he ended up doing for his sugar mama for Valentines Day (She works and supports them, she is 16 years older than him).
I just had another slice of cookie from our cookie company cookie sooooo soooo yummy.
Well enough for piddly little things going to sit here and go a little stir crazy now.
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Happy Valentines Day! with update
Happy Valentines Day!
This valentines marks 12 valentines spent with my dear hubby.
This valentines actually reminds me of our first valentines. This time I am recovering from my hysterectomy, but on our first valentines we both had the flu so bad we couldnt even eat chicken broth together.
Today I am so cranky and depressed talk to me and I may start bawling. Hubby is trying so hard but it is just not the way I am I am used to doing things and not being tied to this chair. So I guess a few waterworks is expected.
Hubby is taking great care of me, doing the housework, taking care of the kids and all. I appreciate it so much even though I dont always show it especially not today...but hubby I do appreciate it.
I have been promised a Cookie Company Cookie tonight for valentines day and that sounds just yummy.
So happy Valentines to everyone I am going to take a nap now.
Kids are home from school. Braden ripped apart his rather costly candy boquet in record time. Brittney received a dozen roses and two balloons from her boyfriend (remember she is a 2nd grader). I have been very gripy all day today so feel sorry for my dear hubby or feel sorry for me because he is bound to snap at me soon with just cause. Hubby is out picking up dinner and dessert for us now. Brittney and Braden are on a candy high.
This valentines marks 12 valentines spent with my dear hubby.
This valentines actually reminds me of our first valentines. This time I am recovering from my hysterectomy, but on our first valentines we both had the flu so bad we couldnt even eat chicken broth together.
Today I am so cranky and depressed talk to me and I may start bawling. Hubby is trying so hard but it is just not the way I am I am used to doing things and not being tied to this chair. So I guess a few waterworks is expected.
Hubby is taking great care of me, doing the housework, taking care of the kids and all. I appreciate it so much even though I dont always show it especially not today...but hubby I do appreciate it.
I have been promised a Cookie Company Cookie tonight for valentines day and that sounds just yummy.
So happy Valentines to everyone I am going to take a nap now.
Kids are home from school. Braden ripped apart his rather costly candy boquet in record time. Brittney received a dozen roses and two balloons from her boyfriend (remember she is a 2nd grader). I have been very gripy all day today so feel sorry for my dear hubby or feel sorry for me because he is bound to snap at me soon with just cause. Hubby is out picking up dinner and dessert for us now. Brittney and Braden are on a candy high.
Monday, February 13, 2006
Running away from home
If my hubby was smart he would have already packed a bag and ran from this zoo.
There is me laying in the recliner and feeling like I am being ripped in half if I move. Reading or magazines dont even hold my interest yet.
Then because he didnt have enough to do with taking care of me both kids are home sick with pink eye.
I am actually feeling better today not so sick but oh so so sore. Braden's eye is just awful but Brittney's eye looks better.
We dont want dear hubby to get bored with nothing to do so we just are going to let him take care of all three of us!
I have been lucid and awake for 20 minutes to write this blog entry now it will take me a two hour nap to recover.
There is me laying in the recliner and feeling like I am being ripped in half if I move. Reading or magazines dont even hold my interest yet.
Then because he didnt have enough to do with taking care of me both kids are home sick with pink eye.
I am actually feeling better today not so sick but oh so so sore. Braden's eye is just awful but Brittney's eye looks better.
We dont want dear hubby to get bored with nothing to do so we just are going to let him take care of all three of us!
I have been lucid and awake for 20 minutes to write this blog entry now it will take me a two hour nap to recover.
Sunday, February 12, 2006
I got discharged this morning. I anticipate the next few days will consist of Phenergan and Percocet. They did remove the 32 staples this morning so that felt a little better. If I dont update you know I am in the Percocet/Phenergan induced world for a few days.
Friday, February 10, 2006
Update from Husband
Yes, it's Kel's husband. I ran home this evening to grab the mail, eat, ect.
The nurse has my cell phone and I expect to be out and back in within 2 hours. I will be spending the night with her.
As I left, the wife was soundly snoring from the meds. Her surgery went well, with no complications at all. She was in her room by 11 a.m. local time. Surgery had started just prior of 9 a.m local time.
She gets to feast on the lucrative ice chips today and tonight. I am sure by tomorrow she will be thinking me for the spice chi tea or shakes, if allowed.
Anne, sorry to only be able to text "doing ok" but that is all i could get out of my cell phone. For someone on a computer all day, I just sucked in txt messaging.
I just wanted to let all those readers to know the surgery went good with no complications. I expect her out of the hospital by Sunday. Surely by then the internet DDT's will set in as well.
I appreciate everyones thoughts and prayers.
The nurse has my cell phone and I expect to be out and back in within 2 hours. I will be spending the night with her.
As I left, the wife was soundly snoring from the meds. Her surgery went well, with no complications at all. She was in her room by 11 a.m. local time. Surgery had started just prior of 9 a.m local time.
She gets to feast on the lucrative ice chips today and tonight. I am sure by tomorrow she will be thinking me for the spice chi tea or shakes, if allowed.
Anne, sorry to only be able to text "doing ok" but that is all i could get out of my cell phone. For someone on a computer all day, I just sucked in txt messaging.
I just wanted to let all those readers to know the surgery went good with no complications. I expect her out of the hospital by Sunday. Surely by then the internet DDT's will set in as well.
I appreciate everyones thoughts and prayers.
Thursday, February 09, 2006
Ready to go
Prep list before surgery in the morning...
House cleaned - check
Kids clothes layed out for all of next week so hubby doesnt have my daughter wearing yellow and purple with plaid pants - check
Recipes printed out, and ingredients bought - check
Hospital bag packed - check
Bag for kids to spend time with my parents - check
Kids freaking out because they dont want daddy to be in charge for a week - check
Me ready to be in a drug induced stupor for a few days - check.
Okay looks like I am ready to go. Hubby will be taking me at 6am for 8am procedure. Suppose to take about 2 hours, then I will be admitted until Sunday. Parents are coming to take kids to school tommorow and keep them tommorow night.
House cleaned - check
Kids clothes layed out for all of next week so hubby doesnt have my daughter wearing yellow and purple with plaid pants - check
Recipes printed out, and ingredients bought - check
Hospital bag packed - check
Bag for kids to spend time with my parents - check
Kids freaking out because they dont want daddy to be in charge for a week - check
Me ready to be in a drug induced stupor for a few days - check.
Okay looks like I am ready to go. Hubby will be taking me at 6am for 8am procedure. Suppose to take about 2 hours, then I will be admitted until Sunday. Parents are coming to take kids to school tommorow and keep them tommorow night.
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Appropriate time for a story?
Tonight we went out to dinner at TGI Fridays. We got seated right away and our waitress was friendly.
She begins to take our order and is talking with the kids. She talks to Brittney and tells her she has a 9 year old sister and asks Brittney if she likes Polly Pocket. She then informs us she has a funny Polly Pocket story.
The short version of the story is that her sister puked all over the van on the way to California and apparently had tried to swallow a polly pocket and finally puked it out and hit the dad in the back of the head with the polly pocket. Believe me she took longer than that to tell it complete with hand gestures on the vomit spewing out of the sisters mouth.
Am I the only one that thinks a story involving vomit might not be the best story to tell your customers as you are taking their orders for dinner?
She begins to take our order and is talking with the kids. She talks to Brittney and tells her she has a 9 year old sister and asks Brittney if she likes Polly Pocket. She then informs us she has a funny Polly Pocket story.
The short version of the story is that her sister puked all over the van on the way to California and apparently had tried to swallow a polly pocket and finally puked it out and hit the dad in the back of the head with the polly pocket. Believe me she took longer than that to tell it complete with hand gestures on the vomit spewing out of the sisters mouth.
Am I the only one that thinks a story involving vomit might not be the best story to tell your customers as you are taking their orders for dinner?
Monday, February 06, 2006
Tied Hands
If you try you can probably feel the frustration rolling off of me.
I am ticked off as well as frustrated.
A year ago hubby was elected to school board. He ran because he questioned how somethings were done and why. Not that I am partial or anything but I think he is an awesome school board member because he does ask questions.
Of course those he asks questions about dont like it. They keep making comments well the other school board members dont do this, they dont ask about this and so on. Well darn it maybe they should and then something would get done.
What is so frustrating though is that everything hubby trys to do seems to be hampered by some law or by some administrative decision.
They think that since hubby is on board he shouldnt do other things (like visit with kids teachers, be on PTA, be at the school). Just because he is school board member doesnt mean he isnt a dad darn it. It just gets me riled because he wants to be involved and wants to do these things. There is no law that says he cant be on school board, on PTA, be at the school, talk to teachers, etc. But apparently it is a small town politc thing.
Parents are rallying which is a good thing we recently got 200 signatures thinking this would help but no the administration doesnt even have to pay attention to it. Parents are glad hubby is on the board and trying to make a change, administration not so much. Ugh so bottom line is hubby is trying to make a positive change and small town crapola politics and good old boy network is tying his hands. Ugh.
I am ticked off as well as frustrated.
A year ago hubby was elected to school board. He ran because he questioned how somethings were done and why. Not that I am partial or anything but I think he is an awesome school board member because he does ask questions.
Of course those he asks questions about dont like it. They keep making comments well the other school board members dont do this, they dont ask about this and so on. Well darn it maybe they should and then something would get done.
What is so frustrating though is that everything hubby trys to do seems to be hampered by some law or by some administrative decision.
They think that since hubby is on board he shouldnt do other things (like visit with kids teachers, be on PTA, be at the school). Just because he is school board member doesnt mean he isnt a dad darn it. It just gets me riled because he wants to be involved and wants to do these things. There is no law that says he cant be on school board, on PTA, be at the school, talk to teachers, etc. But apparently it is a small town politc thing.
Parents are rallying which is a good thing we recently got 200 signatures thinking this would help but no the administration doesnt even have to pay attention to it. Parents are glad hubby is on the board and trying to make a change, administration not so much. Ugh so bottom line is hubby is trying to make a positive change and small town crapola politics and good old boy network is tying his hands. Ugh.
Sunday, February 05, 2006
I don't have it bad at all
Last night was girls night out. About 8 of us moms do this about every 2 to 3 months. It consists of Logan's Steakhouse for dinner. Last night was a little wilder than usual as we added in a trip to Books A Million and WalMart following dinner.
The lead up to girls night out in my house was no big deal. I mentioned it to dear hubby and he started planning a fun in home night for him and the kids with movie, games and snacks. Nothing to it.
Earlier in the day we saw some friends of ours and the wife was getting a major guilt trip from her hubby about him having to watch the kids. I get to dinner and all except one starts with horror stories about how their hubby wouldn't watch the kids. How they had to get their parents to do it because hubby said wasn't his responsibility. How they had to promise this or do this to get him to do it. I just don't get it.
Now hubby isn't perfect (I cant brag on him too much) and we have our moments but all in all we get along great, he is supportive, he helps a ton around the house. I am lucky.
At times I tend to forget how lucky and may take the situation and him for granted but girls night out tends to remind me of how lucky I am.
Dinner always consists of awful husband stories which I always only half listen to because I figure there are two sides and it is probably somewhere in the middle of how it is being told. Needless to say there are always horrors of hubby's that wouldnt dare do housework, watch the kids, or go hunting for a week by themselves but wont watch the kids for three hours.
So thanks hubby for being wonderful. I am sure I will test his patience in the next few weeks after my surgery as I can be a tad cranky during good times much less when I am in pain and feeling frustrated.
The lead up to girls night out in my house was no big deal. I mentioned it to dear hubby and he started planning a fun in home night for him and the kids with movie, games and snacks. Nothing to it.
Earlier in the day we saw some friends of ours and the wife was getting a major guilt trip from her hubby about him having to watch the kids. I get to dinner and all except one starts with horror stories about how their hubby wouldn't watch the kids. How they had to get their parents to do it because hubby said wasn't his responsibility. How they had to promise this or do this to get him to do it. I just don't get it.
Now hubby isn't perfect (I cant brag on him too much) and we have our moments but all in all we get along great, he is supportive, he helps a ton around the house. I am lucky.
At times I tend to forget how lucky and may take the situation and him for granted but girls night out tends to remind me of how lucky I am.
Dinner always consists of awful husband stories which I always only half listen to because I figure there are two sides and it is probably somewhere in the middle of how it is being told. Needless to say there are always horrors of hubby's that wouldnt dare do housework, watch the kids, or go hunting for a week by themselves but wont watch the kids for three hours.
So thanks hubby for being wonderful. I am sure I will test his patience in the next few weeks after my surgery as I can be a tad cranky during good times much less when I am in pain and feeling frustrated.
Friday, February 03, 2006
I may need more paper
I need some more paper because this to do list is out of control. I only have about 60 sheets in the printer now and by the time I am done listing I dont know if that will be enough.
I did my preop appotinment this morning. It will be me and my bed for a minimum of a week (he says 6 to 8 weeks I say 2 to 3 weeks). We discussed all the fun risks of next Friday's hysterectomy including the fact that because of my csections my bladder may have attached to the uterus and would have to be clipped off. Doesn't that sound like fun. Also had to sign 3 times that I understood that without a uterus I would be unable to have a child, apparently lots of people have had hysterectomy's and then sued because they couldnt have kids. Whatever.
Of course the appointment just made me want to get more stuff done. I just cant imagine having two weeks minimum where I cant run things and do things.
So I am in panic mode before next Friday trying to organize everything, complete things for activities and meetings that will take place during my hiatus from the outside world.
Okay back to the to do list.....I just know that it is imperative that I organize the spice cabinet before the surgery.
I did my preop appotinment this morning. It will be me and my bed for a minimum of a week (he says 6 to 8 weeks I say 2 to 3 weeks). We discussed all the fun risks of next Friday's hysterectomy including the fact that because of my csections my bladder may have attached to the uterus and would have to be clipped off. Doesn't that sound like fun. Also had to sign 3 times that I understood that without a uterus I would be unable to have a child, apparently lots of people have had hysterectomy's and then sued because they couldnt have kids. Whatever.
Of course the appointment just made me want to get more stuff done. I just cant imagine having two weeks minimum where I cant run things and do things.
So I am in panic mode before next Friday trying to organize everything, complete things for activities and meetings that will take place during my hiatus from the outside world.
Okay back to the to do list.....I just know that it is imperative that I organize the spice cabinet before the surgery.
Thursday, February 02, 2006
Weather Confusion!
My poor tulips. I noticed them all peeking out of the ground today.
Of course it has been hitting high 60's and low 70's here lately.
So if it stayed like that my tulips would probably go ahead pop out of the ground and bloom pretty. The key is IF IT STAYED THAT WAY but due to the fact that it is only the first of February it will not stay that way.
Forcast is calling for freezing rain and back to the 40's.
Poor tulips and my bradford pear trees they just dont know what to do they think it is warm enough to come out but it is just too early!
Of course it has been hitting high 60's and low 70's here lately.
So if it stayed like that my tulips would probably go ahead pop out of the ground and bloom pretty. The key is IF IT STAYED THAT WAY but due to the fact that it is only the first of February it will not stay that way.
Forcast is calling for freezing rain and back to the 40's.
Poor tulips and my bradford pear trees they just dont know what to do they think it is warm enough to come out but it is just too early!
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
Little Casanova
Coversation with Braden:
Braden: "Mom I am so cute"
Me: "I know you are"
Braden: "Girls love me"
Me: "They do?"
Braden: "Yes mom I have 105 girlfriends".
Me: "Wow that is a lot"
Braden: "I know mom but they all love me and I cant tell them no"
Oh boy as if raising a 8 year old girl who is totally boy crazy isnt enough now I have a son that is planning his harem.
Braden: "Mom I am so cute"
Me: "I know you are"
Braden: "Girls love me"
Me: "They do?"
Braden: "Yes mom I have 105 girlfriends".
Me: "Wow that is a lot"
Braden: "I know mom but they all love me and I cant tell them no"
Oh boy as if raising a 8 year old girl who is totally boy crazy isnt enough now I have a son that is planning his harem.
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