Friday, January 20, 2006


Brittney talking about boys this morning at breakfast:

Brittney: "Mom, Dillon asked me to meet him by the climbing wall yesterday, we are back together. He is the first boy I have loved, I did love Daniel for awhile but then he did something awful".

Me: "What did he do" (Remember she is only in 2nd grade)

Brittney: "Oh mom it was awful he dipped his pickles in ketchup and after I saw that I was like no way am I marrying him"

So it was the pickles in ketchup that pushed her over the edge...LOL.


Unknown said...

Now if that can only stay. I would invite every possible candidate over and give them 5 bucks to do the same in front of her. LOL

Unknown said...

OMG what was he thinking that is just terrible I tell ya terrible. You guys are in for along teenagehood lol

Jody said...

OMG that is just too funny!!! Ugh so awful to dip your pickles in ketchup LOL. Not going to marry that guy huh? LOL too cute!!!

Brighton said...

Your raising a daughter who is picky and has high standards- that is parenting at it's best!

Heather/SHTEZQ said...

I laughed so hard reading this my daughter is a first greader and it scares me alittle cause she is boy crazy to.