Monday, January 23, 2006


Horror of horrors we are without internet.

Apparently the brilliant people at Cox Cable did some kind of conversion Saturday night. Said conversion wiped out all connections in our area.

So no internet on Sunday, no internet at 4am when I was wide awake.

I am at the law office right now on this very slow dial up but happy just to have connection for a few minutes.

Poor hubby is sitting at a table in the coffee shop this morning trying to get some of his work done. This is really affecting him since the company he works for is based in Pennsylvania and he does all his work from his home office.

I am hopging the horror will end soon, but I am not so sure of it since Matt talked to a real genuis at Cox this morning and that guy wasnt even aware of the problem.


Unknown said...

OMG i was wondering how he was working when no internet. Sheesh I hope you get it back soon. I know you are freakin lol I would be too

manababies said...

Egads! No internet?! Dial up? I don't know how I would cope!!! :)

Jody said...

Ugh I hate it when our internet goes out. Hubby finds way's to get me online again LOL. He say's I get grumpy LOL hmm don't know about it but hey it works right? I hope you can get it back soon and ugh dial up sucks!!