Going to have to get very serious on my watching what I eat and excercising. A doctor appointment I had on Monday did not go well. I need to lose 20 pounds. Doesnt sound that hard, but it seems to be for me! We will see if that 20 pounds helps lower this out of control blood pressure, ugh, I am trying to do lots of natural stuff because I hate hate blood pressure meds, especially with other meds that I take.
Suppose to have a yard sale on Friday, but I don't know if the weather will cooperate or not.
The plans for moving, are going, still going very slowly. The yard sale is a good step, we have really been cleaning out. Next month the goal is to get our bedroom and bathroom repainted, going with a nuetral theme. Hubby is in charge of placing some boards in the privacy fence (we decided not to replace the whole fence). Plan is still to put it on the market in January, but we have had someone call a neighbor because they heard we were moving and wanted to look at the house (they don't want to move till January, so it may be perfect we shall see).
Here are a few pics. My new dining room table, it fits better in the area and can easily be put in a breakfast nook in the new house, I really like it also pics of my really good straweberry birthday cake, and the kids playing with their pokemon (i really don't think they have enough of them do you?..LOL, you can barely see their faces buried in the piles of pokemon)
Okay back to getting ready for this yard sale that is probably going to get rained out!
is this rain ever ever going to quit?
I like your dining room table.
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