Saturday, December 24, 2005

Getting toys out of the package

I think my uncle summed it up when we were trying to get the kids presents out of the boxes and he said...

"I want whoever is in charge of packaging these things to be in charge of Homeland Security".

It's about the truth so many ties and twists it takes forever. Last year I had actually taken the toys out of the box with all the twists and plastic then replaced it in the box and all the kids did was open and whala toy was ready. This year I didn't do that and neither did Santa so there will be a lot of frustration for us in the morning too.


Unknown said...

Oh yes so true, never thought of that one. It took at least an hour, bruce working on keith's toy and me on Kaylie's to get them out of the package. Keith's were even screwed in where bruce had to remove 6 screws out of each vehicle. What's up with that.