I was out and about when it started, but I called hubby and he let the kids go out and catch a few snowflakes on their tongues. After I got home we bundled up and went out in the backyard for a few minutes it was already getting dark but we had to make a quick snowman. Not bad for as little snow as we had. Kids and I had fun.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
a little snow
We got a little snow today. Kids were thrilled.
I was out and about when it started, but I called hubby and he let the kids go out and catch a few snowflakes on their tongues. After I got home we bundled up and went out in the backyard for a few minutes it was already getting dark but we had to make a quick snowman. Not bad for as little snow as we had. Kids and I had fun.

I was out and about when it started, but I called hubby and he let the kids go out and catch a few snowflakes on their tongues. After I got home we bundled up and went out in the backyard for a few minutes it was already getting dark but we had to make a quick snowman. Not bad for as little snow as we had. Kids and I had fun.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Stressed out
Tommorow is the start of the homeschool coop that I am director of. Wish me lots of luck because let me tell you my stomach is in knots. And as seems normal in my life because I have something big and time consuming of course I have sick kids this week. Even my Britt who rarely gets sick has gotten the bug. My dad is having surgery tommorow, stressers...and there are many more. I am really hoping tommorow goes semi smoothly.
My dear hubby switched my blog again for me. I didn't change the blog forever and now I am liking the change everyonce in awhile.
We have done minimal school this week due to illness and stress but we have gotten a few things done so I am not going to worry about it this week. Trying to not add more stress to myself.
I am off to bed soon...I have been up since 3 but just wanted to check in.
My dear hubby switched my blog again for me. I didn't change the blog forever and now I am liking the change everyonce in awhile.
We have done minimal school this week due to illness and stress but we have gotten a few things done so I am not going to worry about it this week. Trying to not add more stress to myself.
I am off to bed soon...I have been up since 3 but just wanted to check in.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Shannon tagged me on her blog with this meme. So here it goes because this is such a crazy week and I need to post something and this requires the least amount of thinking right now.
Here are the rules: Go back through your archives and post the links to the five favorite blog posts that you’ve written. But there is a catch:
Link 1 must be about family.
Link 2 must be about friends.
Link 3 must be about yourself, who you are… what you’re all about.
Link 4 must be about something you love.
Link 5 can be anything you choose.
Link 1- There are so many posts about hubby and the kids, and extended family (of course most of the extended family posts are me griping so I didn't want to highlight those right now..LOL. Anyway I think I will choose something that I still think about and smile. When my wonderful hubby surprised me on my 30th Birthday.
Link 2- I had lots of posts about friends, and I am blessed to have so many great friends, some new, some old, some I have never met face to face but for this particular link I am using a post about a trip with our friends the Sweets. This was a family we were destined to be friends with. Matt grew up and graduated with A, and I had never met them, he hadn't seen her since graduation at that point 10 years ago. I walked into a chiropractors office and she was the secretary we got to talking and she saw hubby's name and asked me about it. We realized we had girls almost the exact age and boy close in age...that was 6 years ago, couldn't imagine not knowing them now.
Link 3- I AM This was a post I did in reference to a writing prompt from Owl Haven's blog. I think it definitely describes who I am, and what I am about. I still love the format of this writing prompt and would like to do it with both kids....hmmm....a future post for sure.
Link 4- Something I love, obviously hubby and kids fall into that category so going to remember some funny things that Brittney said and something that Braden said.
Link 5- Ugh this one is the toughest because it can be anything...since I can't seem to find exactly what I want I will pick when I wrote about my childhood home
This was fun. If you decide to do it on your blog leave your link in the comments so I can check it out.
Here are the rules: Go back through your archives and post the links to the five favorite blog posts that you’ve written. But there is a catch:
Link 1 must be about family.
Link 2 must be about friends.
Link 3 must be about yourself, who you are… what you’re all about.
Link 4 must be about something you love.
Link 5 can be anything you choose.
Link 1- There are so many posts about hubby and the kids, and extended family (of course most of the extended family posts are me griping so I didn't want to highlight those right now..LOL. Anyway I think I will choose something that I still think about and smile. When my wonderful hubby surprised me on my 30th Birthday.
Link 2- I had lots of posts about friends, and I am blessed to have so many great friends, some new, some old, some I have never met face to face but for this particular link I am using a post about a trip with our friends the Sweets. This was a family we were destined to be friends with. Matt grew up and graduated with A, and I had never met them, he hadn't seen her since graduation at that point 10 years ago. I walked into a chiropractors office and she was the secretary we got to talking and she saw hubby's name and asked me about it. We realized we had girls almost the exact age and boy close in age...that was 6 years ago, couldn't imagine not knowing them now.
Link 3- I AM This was a post I did in reference to a writing prompt from Owl Haven's blog. I think it definitely describes who I am, and what I am about. I still love the format of this writing prompt and would like to do it with both kids....hmmm....a future post for sure.
Link 4- Something I love, obviously hubby and kids fall into that category so going to remember some funny things that Brittney said and something that Braden said.
Link 5- Ugh this one is the toughest because it can be anything...since I can't seem to find exactly what I want I will pick when I wrote about my childhood home
This was fun. If you decide to do it on your blog leave your link in the comments so I can check it out.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
We have been going to our church for several years. However the last year or so we have been feeling the need to move. Myself more than hubby, but the last month he has felt it too. Today we took the first step in changing by visiting another church. It was entirely different. Much much bigger than our current church. They have two services we went to the contemporary service this morning. The music was almost a little much for me, but hubby really liked it and it wasn't bad just not what I am used to listening too.
The kids really liked it which was a major concern. The Sunday School was good, the service was good, it is just such a large church totally not what we are used to.
I didn't realize how bad it would be changing churches even though I know in my heart we need to. I think this may be the church for us, but we want to check it out a few more times before we make a decision. So hard, but we need it, we are not getting what we need fulfilled at our current situation. I guess we will just go with it and see how the next few visits go, we are going to try the more traditional service next time though.
Time for a busy week, we have lots going on and this week is the first Thursday of the next 7 weeks of me directing our home school coop. So I may pull all my hair out as I have never been in charge of something quite this scale before.
The kids really liked it which was a major concern. The Sunday School was good, the service was good, it is just such a large church totally not what we are used to.
I didn't realize how bad it would be changing churches even though I know in my heart we need to. I think this may be the church for us, but we want to check it out a few more times before we make a decision. So hard, but we need it, we are not getting what we need fulfilled at our current situation. I guess we will just go with it and see how the next few visits go, we are going to try the more traditional service next time though.
Time for a busy week, we have lots going on and this week is the first Thursday of the next 7 weeks of me directing our home school coop. So I may pull all my hair out as I have never been in charge of something quite this scale before.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
At least I know it would work
I have to say that on a day to day basis we really don't have any big misbehaviors at our house. Not to say we don't have them just not a lot, and the kids tend to get along really well. So we really don't have a major day to day discipline system in place. Mostly we deal with things as they occur and do the consequences to match. Creative works well for us such as at one point Braden hated Little House on the Prairie (actually he still does) so if he had not listened, etc that day I would replace his bedtime movie with that, worked like a charm. I only had to use it twice I think. But we don't really have a day to day system in place because it really isn't needed at this point. However, last night I was watching Super Nanny when Brae came in the back bedroom after church.
I decided to joke with Brae. Because everyone who knows Brae knows he is a video game addict, if he does do something that needs correction I can take away his games for the rest of the day and have perfect behavior for weeks. Anyway she had a great idea of having note cards that said 60, 55, 50 and so on. You start the day with 60 minute video privileges and it goes down in 5 minute increments every time it is needed because of behavior. Well I told this to Braden.
He said "I don't think that is a good idea at all". He then grins comes to give me a hug, and as he is hugging me he takes the remote, then still smiling goes and shuts my TV cabinet, and says "I don't think that is a good show for you to be watching it's not appropriate". It was funny, he definitely did not like that idea and the way he told me it was not appropriate was super cute. At least I know if I need to implement some kind of daily system that one looks like it would work great.
I decided to joke with Brae. Because everyone who knows Brae knows he is a video game addict, if he does do something that needs correction I can take away his games for the rest of the day and have perfect behavior for weeks. Anyway she had a great idea of having note cards that said 60, 55, 50 and so on. You start the day with 60 minute video privileges and it goes down in 5 minute increments every time it is needed because of behavior. Well I told this to Braden.
He said "I don't think that is a good idea at all". He then grins comes to give me a hug, and as he is hugging me he takes the remote, then still smiling goes and shuts my TV cabinet, and says "I don't think that is a good show for you to be watching it's not appropriate". It was funny, he definitely did not like that idea and the way he told me it was not appropriate was super cute. At least I know if I need to implement some kind of daily system that one looks like it would work great.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
heavy thoughts
Heavy thoughts today. I attend the funeral of a 52 year old woman. A woman I was once very close with. Someone I greatly loved at one point, however I hadn't spoken to her in 3 years because of strife and differences. Now I had to say goodbye at a funeral and say my apologies for my part in our differences in my prayers. Very hard. It was very unexpected death and she will be missed. I watched her parents who are both in their 80's and my heart broke. It was a hard day, I am glad I went to honor her memory and didn't let past differences keep me from doing that, for if I had I believe I would have had even more regrets.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
If he had his way..
Brae overheard me talking about some school closings because of ice.
He said: Does that mean we don't have school?
Me: Brae we have school in our house so it doesn't matter to us if it is bad weather.
He said: It matters to me, I think if anyone in the whole world is out of school then we should get the day off to.
Obviously he is not getting his way on this one. Oh the things that boy will do to avoid school and work in general...let's hope that changes with age..LOL
He said: Does that mean we don't have school?
Me: Brae we have school in our house so it doesn't matter to us if it is bad weather.
He said: It matters to me, I think if anyone in the whole world is out of school then we should get the day off to.
Obviously he is not getting his way on this one. Oh the things that boy will do to avoid school and work in general...let's hope that changes with age..LOL
Monday, January 21, 2008
A little slower weekend
I so needed some slow down time.
I didn't realize how bad.
I have been running crazy the last two weeks, and then my mind has been going faster than that worrying about things that I just can't control.
Friday Matt was off half a day as we were suppose to go to an ice skating field trip with homeschool, but the zamboni broke. However it turned out to be a good thing. We took the kids over to my parents house not long after lunch. Then Matt and I headed to town we did some looking around and pricing on somethings, went out for dinner, then to the movies. So nice.
Saturday Britt played basketball. She did so good. Several girls have quit on their team so they only have 8 now and Britt did not get to sit at all during the game or the two minute overtime. They lost in overtime but it was a great game. After that dragged the children to the mall. I needed Britt to try on some dress shoes.
Matt put a vacation ticker on the side for me. But of course that may drive me crazy because I have so much to do before then. We are going on a disney cruise. It is all paid for so thankfully we do not have to worry about that, but we do have to worry about getting clothes, etc together. Which will be my thing which I will obsess over...because we all know I need something else to obsess over..LOL.
Anyway got off subject, after the games and mall on Saturday we just came home and did nothing. Brittney and Matt watched Narnia in the living room while Braden and I watched Backyardigans in the bedroom.
Sunday was church, then Matt took Britt to basketball. I did work on two weeks worth of lesson plans this weekend but all other things that needed planning were put on the back burner and it was so nice.
The school in our town is out today usually I wouldnt give the kids the day off but the last few weeks have been so crazy and out of schedule and Brae who does not do change well has had a super hard time. I decided today would be some mom and kid fun. Going to run some required errands and two short appointments for Brae but other than that play time at chucke cheese and lunch out with my kids.
Tommorow I will resume all out craziness again with work for the attorneys, planning some stuff for homeschool group, and just life in general but I will enjoy the slower weekend and the day with my kids!
I didn't realize how bad.
I have been running crazy the last two weeks, and then my mind has been going faster than that worrying about things that I just can't control.
Friday Matt was off half a day as we were suppose to go to an ice skating field trip with homeschool, but the zamboni broke. However it turned out to be a good thing. We took the kids over to my parents house not long after lunch. Then Matt and I headed to town we did some looking around and pricing on somethings, went out for dinner, then to the movies. So nice.
Saturday Britt played basketball. She did so good. Several girls have quit on their team so they only have 8 now and Britt did not get to sit at all during the game or the two minute overtime. They lost in overtime but it was a great game. After that dragged the children to the mall. I needed Britt to try on some dress shoes.
Matt put a vacation ticker on the side for me. But of course that may drive me crazy because I have so much to do before then. We are going on a disney cruise. It is all paid for so thankfully we do not have to worry about that, but we do have to worry about getting clothes, etc together. Which will be my thing which I will obsess over...because we all know I need something else to obsess over..LOL.
Anyway got off subject, after the games and mall on Saturday we just came home and did nothing. Brittney and Matt watched Narnia in the living room while Braden and I watched Backyardigans in the bedroom.
Sunday was church, then Matt took Britt to basketball. I did work on two weeks worth of lesson plans this weekend but all other things that needed planning were put on the back burner and it was so nice.
The school in our town is out today usually I wouldnt give the kids the day off but the last few weeks have been so crazy and out of schedule and Brae who does not do change well has had a super hard time. I decided today would be some mom and kid fun. Going to run some required errands and two short appointments for Brae but other than that play time at chucke cheese and lunch out with my kids.
Tommorow I will resume all out craziness again with work for the attorneys, planning some stuff for homeschool group, and just life in general but I will enjoy the slower weekend and the day with my kids!
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Date night
Hubby and I had a great evening out. It was so needed.
We went to see 27 Dresses, I really liked it. Very cute. Yes the storyline is pretty typical but done in such a way that really makes a cute movie. I was so impressed with Katherine Heigl was wonderful in it. I watch her on Grey's Anatomy, Knocked up was not my type of movie so I didn't know how she would be in this. I loved her. The cast was greatly picked. Hubby even really enjoyed it.
It was just so nice to get out. Now Saturday morning waiting on parents to bring the kids back, then basketball and a few errands to run.
We went to see 27 Dresses, I really liked it. Very cute. Yes the storyline is pretty typical but done in such a way that really makes a cute movie. I was so impressed with Katherine Heigl was wonderful in it. I watch her on Grey's Anatomy, Knocked up was not my type of movie so I didn't know how she would be in this. I loved her. The cast was greatly picked. Hubby even really enjoyed it.
It was just so nice to get out. Now Saturday morning waiting on parents to bring the kids back, then basketball and a few errands to run.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
What a week
Whew it is almost over.
What a week. First off Brae's medical is not going so great right now. Just at such an impass what do we try next, what will happen if we do this or that, ugh.
Second I feel like i am juggling way too many balls in the air right now. Trying to keep them all going.
But this evening I am sitting here watching Backyardigans with Braden. I keep thinking he will outgrow this show but he still likes it. Matt and Britt are watching Narnia and Braden cannot stand that movie so I told him I would sit back here with him.
Tomorrow date night with hubby. He is taking me to see 27 Dresses, a chick flick...I guess I am loved..LOL. Mom and dad are taking the kids. Then the weekend will consist of lots of basketball.
What a week. First off Brae's medical is not going so great right now. Just at such an impass what do we try next, what will happen if we do this or that, ugh.
Second I feel like i am juggling way too many balls in the air right now. Trying to keep them all going.
But this evening I am sitting here watching Backyardigans with Braden. I keep thinking he will outgrow this show but he still likes it. Matt and Britt are watching Narnia and Braden cannot stand that movie so I told him I would sit back here with him.
Tomorrow date night with hubby. He is taking me to see 27 Dresses, a chick flick...I guess I am loved..LOL. Mom and dad are taking the kids. Then the weekend will consist of lots of basketball.
Sunday, January 13, 2008
sports injury
Does it count as a sports injury if you do it on the wii?
I say yes it does.
Sounds much better to say I hurt my shoulder playing tennis and just leave off the fact that it was on the wii.
We also have a new family favorite wii game Carnival Games but that is so not good for my bad shoulder either.
I say yes it does.
Sounds much better to say I hurt my shoulder playing tennis and just leave off the fact that it was on the wii.
We also have a new family favorite wii game Carnival Games but that is so not good for my bad shoulder either.
Friday, January 11, 2008
Checking in
3am and wide awake...at least it is nice and quiet and I can get a few things done.
Update on using the Deceptively Delicious cookbook, we have tried several more recipes. So far we have not found one we didn't like. Our only snarled noses from the kids was that first time with the cauliflower in the eggs, but after reducing the amount down a little and adding a small amount of cheese they are a hit now. The most skeptical thing for me was the brownies using spinach in them. It did say to let them cool so you didn't taste the spinach so I was careful to do that. They were SO good, moist not a hint that they were high in fiber or had anything good for you in them. Yum. So we will definetly be using this cookbook for a long while.
Things here have been busier than usual with me helping out an attorney in town as he lost his regualar secretary and needed someone to train a new one. So I have been doing that which the extra money is nice, the extra headache not so much.
Tonight I have a hot date....with 2 kids...they have not gotten their normal mommy time this week and neither are too happy about. I am not too happy with it either. We are going to be playing wii carnival games, and some board games. I am picking up dinner in town. They told hubby he wasn't invited but I talked them into letting him be there for our "date" too...lol. Looking forward to a relaxing weekend as this will be a busy weekend to end a busy week. Have a homeschool officers meeting tommorow afternoon and have my good friend's babyshower that I am hosting on Sunday.
Oh and if I am soon posting on busted noses and broken things in the house it is because both kids are now in tae kwon do. Oh boy don't know how that is going to go, but they loved the first class where they got to go and check it out and it will be great excercise especially for Braden who needed something fun and athletic. But I am just invisioning the impromptu sparing matches..yikes.
Update on using the Deceptively Delicious cookbook, we have tried several more recipes. So far we have not found one we didn't like. Our only snarled noses from the kids was that first time with the cauliflower in the eggs, but after reducing the amount down a little and adding a small amount of cheese they are a hit now. The most skeptical thing for me was the brownies using spinach in them. It did say to let them cool so you didn't taste the spinach so I was careful to do that. They were SO good, moist not a hint that they were high in fiber or had anything good for you in them. Yum. So we will definetly be using this cookbook for a long while.
Things here have been busier than usual with me helping out an attorney in town as he lost his regualar secretary and needed someone to train a new one. So I have been doing that which the extra money is nice, the extra headache not so much.
Tonight I have a hot date....with 2 kids...they have not gotten their normal mommy time this week and neither are too happy about. I am not too happy with it either. We are going to be playing wii carnival games, and some board games. I am picking up dinner in town. They told hubby he wasn't invited but I talked them into letting him be there for our "date" too...lol. Looking forward to a relaxing weekend as this will be a busy weekend to end a busy week. Have a homeschool officers meeting tommorow afternoon and have my good friend's babyshower that I am hosting on Sunday.
Oh and if I am soon posting on busted noses and broken things in the house it is because both kids are now in tae kwon do. Oh boy don't know how that is going to go, but they loved the first class where they got to go and check it out and it will be great excercise especially for Braden who needed something fun and athletic. But I am just invisioning the impromptu sparing matches..yikes.
Monday, January 07, 2008
A little rougher than my way
Doing Math with Brae this morning.
We were going over borrowing from the hundreds place.
Me explaining this problem
I told him "Remember you can't take 8 away from 5 so Mr. 5 goes and knocks on the door to Mr. 4 and borrows one for his tens place so he can be Mr. 15."
Braden says
"I know mom but my numbers don't knock they just beat up Mr. 4 and steal his number"
We were going over borrowing from the hundreds place.
Me explaining this problem
I told him "Remember you can't take 8 away from 5 so Mr. 5 goes and knocks on the door to Mr. 4 and borrows one for his tens place so he can be Mr. 15."
Braden says
"I know mom but my numbers don't knock they just beat up Mr. 4 and steal his number"
Sunday, January 06, 2008
Weekend Wrap Up *updated
Not a bad weekend, started out a little stressful with an "in-law" thing. (That is the nicest way to put it).
Saturday morning found Britt receiving her first sewing lesson. It took place at our house. Boy oh boy did she learn a lot, for that matter so did I, and I didn't even stay in there the whole time. She made a cover for her American Girl doll bed, it matches her room, she sewed some sachets as well. She is currently working on pajama pants for her brother and will be learning to use interfacing and more complicated patterns in upcoming weeks. So far she is showing a lot of interest. I hope she sticks with it, I am sure she will surpass me in no time since sewing is definitely not my strong suit.
Britt also had a ball game on Saturday. They got beat so badly. Poor girls only 6 players showed up so there were basically no breaks. The other team had 10 so they would put in 5 girls for one quarter, then set all 5 out and send in 5 fresh ones. They did good but it was a tough team. Britt is still liking it even though it is definitely tough.
Saturday also had us running errands, and replacing the TV in the living room. Found what we wanted at a very good price and of course it was out of stock, so we had to call around and run around but good news is we found it and everyone likes it. The old TV if you went to hit volume the channel would change, we have been needing a new one for awhile. Very thankful we were able to get one. After all the errand running we basically just played games and hung out the rest of the evening.
Sunday was church, basketball practice and lots of planning of upcoming events as well as just the upcoming week. Me and my can't say no personality is now the director of our home school co-op. Which is the 6-8 weeks that we get together every Thursday for different subjects taught by parents, etc. It is a lot of fun and I am really excited about it but also stressing just a touch. Add into that other things that are going on and I am stressing a little more than a touch, but I know it will all turn out fine.
* update
Here is a pic of Brae wearing his brand new sleep pants that his sister made him almost completely by herself...I helped with the back of the waistband and that is the only part that looks bad..ugh...I am so not a seamstress
Saturday morning found Britt receiving her first sewing lesson. It took place at our house. Boy oh boy did she learn a lot, for that matter so did I, and I didn't even stay in there the whole time. She made a cover for her American Girl doll bed, it matches her room, she sewed some sachets as well. She is currently working on pajama pants for her brother and will be learning to use interfacing and more complicated patterns in upcoming weeks. So far she is showing a lot of interest. I hope she sticks with it, I am sure she will surpass me in no time since sewing is definitely not my strong suit.
Britt also had a ball game on Saturday. They got beat so badly. Poor girls only 6 players showed up so there were basically no breaks. The other team had 10 so they would put in 5 girls for one quarter, then set all 5 out and send in 5 fresh ones. They did good but it was a tough team. Britt is still liking it even though it is definitely tough.
Saturday also had us running errands, and replacing the TV in the living room. Found what we wanted at a very good price and of course it was out of stock, so we had to call around and run around but good news is we found it and everyone likes it. The old TV if you went to hit volume the channel would change, we have been needing a new one for awhile. Very thankful we were able to get one. After all the errand running we basically just played games and hung out the rest of the evening.
Sunday was church, basketball practice and lots of planning of upcoming events as well as just the upcoming week. Me and my can't say no personality is now the director of our home school co-op. Which is the 6-8 weeks that we get together every Thursday for different subjects taught by parents, etc. It is a lot of fun and I am really excited about it but also stressing just a touch. Add into that other things that are going on and I am stressing a little more than a touch, but I know it will all turn out fine.
* update
Here is a pic of Brae wearing his brand new sleep pants that his sister made him almost completely by herself...I helped with the back of the waistband and that is the only part that looks bad..ugh...I am so not a seamstress

Friday, January 04, 2008
Cooking healthier
Insomnia...since 1:50 this a.m. I finally just gave up and got up. Caught up on a few emails and going to read for a little bit.
So far the adding of the extra vegetables and use of the Deceptively Delicious cookbook has gone really well. The only thing the kids have not liked is the adding of the cauliflower to the eggs, I am thinking a little cheese would have helped that tremendously. Adding the spinach to the regular spaghetti sauce was great, and we are having no problems using only whole wheat pastas. Last night we did buttered noodles (adding in yellow squash puree) from the book and chicken kabobs (added in sweet potato puree in the batter) both were a hit. The quesidias have also been a hit (they had chicken, cheese, flaxseed mill, and butternut squash). For desert we made the rice krispie treats which still have sugar from marshmellows but still a better alternative than a lot of things. It used organic brown rice cereal, flax seed mill, the flax oil butter, and marshmellows. The kids have been doing very good without white sugars in their diet, the marshmellows was the first white sugar and the recipes like I said was much better than some of the other things that I could have offered. They havent said anything about having trail mix instead of sweeter alternatives and are eating it faster than I had planned. They are doing so great at just drinking water. We havent had any artificial colors, I know it is early into this but not near as bad as I thought it was going to be and I was really afraid the kids would balk but they haven't much at all. Just basically the one time with the eggs and we will just try a little less cauliflower next time and maybe a little cheese sprinkled to melt on top.
We have several more recipes scheduled to try this week and this weekend.
So far the adding of the extra vegetables and use of the Deceptively Delicious cookbook has gone really well. The only thing the kids have not liked is the adding of the cauliflower to the eggs, I am thinking a little cheese would have helped that tremendously. Adding the spinach to the regular spaghetti sauce was great, and we are having no problems using only whole wheat pastas. Last night we did buttered noodles (adding in yellow squash puree) from the book and chicken kabobs (added in sweet potato puree in the batter) both were a hit. The quesidias have also been a hit (they had chicken, cheese, flaxseed mill, and butternut squash). For desert we made the rice krispie treats which still have sugar from marshmellows but still a better alternative than a lot of things. It used organic brown rice cereal, flax seed mill, the flax oil butter, and marshmellows. The kids have been doing very good without white sugars in their diet, the marshmellows was the first white sugar and the recipes like I said was much better than some of the other things that I could have offered. They havent said anything about having trail mix instead of sweeter alternatives and are eating it faster than I had planned. They are doing so great at just drinking water. We havent had any artificial colors, I know it is early into this but not near as bad as I thought it was going to be and I was really afraid the kids would balk but they haven't much at all. Just basically the one time with the eggs and we will just try a little less cauliflower next time and maybe a little cheese sprinkled to melt on top.
We have several more recipes scheduled to try this week and this weekend.
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