Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Laid back

It was a laid back holiday weekend for us which was nice. We spent part of it in Tulsa getting a better idea of surrounding towns, etc. Moving is still aways off but want to get an idea of where towns are in relation to major things in Tulsa, etc.

I have been trying to get homeschool ready as we will start our 2nd and 4th grade years the end of June...I know I said I was going to do it before then, but oh well that plan fell through. We just have so many camps, lessons, etc., in June that I thought we would wait. They are still doing some daily drills and things that take a lot less time but still keep them from losing what they have learned. I am more excited about this upcoming homeschool year, mostly I guess because I am more comfortable with it. Also got new curriculium that is exciting to me so I can't wait to share it with the kids.

I added some photos to flickr and just did some preparing for the week. Standard week ahead of being busy, but that is okay because the laid back weekend helped a lot.

Poor hubby has my cold that I suffered from last week....he was feeling awful last night and I told him that now he could see that I wasn't just whining I really felt like crud!...lol.

Hoping the kids don't get sick next, yucky summer colds.


Unknown said...

I hope the kids won't get it as well. Your not that big of a whiner, hon. : )

Unknown said...

yeah lets hope the kids don't get it but they seem to bounce back quicker than adults