Thursday, April 27, 2006

Whats most important of all

We have been having such problems with our school system. Not just us specifically but a whole range of problems. This has caused several people to pull their children. Some to homeschool (like us starting next August), some to private school and others to different public schools.

I happen to run into one of the moms that had recently pulled her daughter to a neighboring town school.

Me: How is girl liking school at town?

Her: Girl loves it, because it is a really good school.

Me: That is great, so all the teachers and everything are nice?

Her: Oh well we have had some problems with the teachers, but all the kids dress so much more fashionable and in brand clothing.

Me: (Slack jawed expression) Ugh okay, that is what makes it a great school.

Her: (Totally not getting my sarcasm or expression) Yes it is just so nice to see well dressed kids and to know that the kids know that Gasoline is a brand not something they put in a gas tank. I also let my other girl pierce her belly button because several of the girls have.

Me: Oh well glad your liking it I better go. Talk to you later. (Running away from the idiot, saying a little prayer for the kids and thinking I am so glad she is no longer going to be in Britt's circle of friends.) Because the belly button pierced girl is 2nd grade!


Heather/SHTEZQ said...

sounds llike that mom needs some serious help. her kids are heading for a huge freaking Train wreck.

Unknown said...

OMG I wouldn't have believed it if i heard it how what UGH

manababies said...

Wow... that is truly disturbing. And yeah, train wreck is the perfect term.

Alipurr said...

my jaw hit the floor, too. Second grade!!!!!