Tuesday, January 18, 2005

A different kind of busy

This week is a different week for me as I am working in the law office basically full time hours. Normally I do freelance paralegal work that keeps me busy but I can do it from home and at 4am if I need to. This week however a very good lawyer friend of mine and his secretary also a good friend needed in office help as the secretary is out for gallbladder surgery. So with the help of hubby we have juggled kids, doctors appts, etc., so that I could be in the office quite a bit this office and at least open the office for them each morning. Yesterday I was there all day, well normally all I do is personal injury paralegal work I work for several different attorneys and this is my specialty...well yesterday I did a little of everything family law, criminal and just being at the office all day it wore me out. I am used to running here and there and having Braden at two different places during the day and so on, but I was so wore out last night. I think a lot of it is that I had to put up with the attorney one on one for a long period of time and usually I dont have to do that. I like him he has always been a good boss, but dealing with him when I am the one that actually knows more than him as it is on the personal injury cases and dealing with him when he expects me to know it all are two different things. I have not done criminal paralegal work in 8 years since I worked a regular paralegal job so it is taking some getting used to. So this week will prove to be busy and a little different.

Tommorow Braden goes to the eye doctor so we will see what they say. He is actually going to go into work with me for a little bit in the morning before the appointment. Luckily the attorney doesnt care and Braden can watch tv and play his game boy.