Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Pajamas to Crazy

Yesterday was pajama day fairly relaxing until I ended up babysitting last night 2 extras and having to get them around this morning. But anyway if yesterday was pajama day then today must be deemed crazy day. Here is a synopsis of the day:
9:00 out the door
9:30-11:30 bible study/kids bible groups
11:30-12:15 lunch with group
12:30 Brae Speech
1:00 run a sack of books to bookshoppe (not enough time to run home)
1:45 Brae eye doctor (normal time is 2 hours there)
3:45ish out of there get kids a snack, run to Walgreens, eye glass place, return an item to WalMart and to Pennys (has to go back today because otherwise it will be past the 3 month mark)
5:00 drop Brae at my dads
5:15 Britt and I will run into the office I work so we can change clothes in the bathroom
5:30 meet friend for dinner and then head to watch the traveling broadway play Hairspray
7:00 play starts
So I am thinking we will get home around 10:30 or 11:00, Brae is staying at my parents, and they will drop him off tomorrow morning. So all in all a long crazy day. Thursday doesn't look much better, but it is somewhat better.


Unknown said...


CFC Flames '04 said...


Unknown said...

kids and you will be draggin later