Tuesday, April 28, 2009

This and that

I am getting ready to leave the kids for 2 days with hubby. So of course Brae had to get sick. Actually I am glad to do it a few days before I leave instead of the day before or while I am gone. Hubby is wonderful but dealing with Brae's medical issues is not an area he really steps up in, as he has never administered his seizure medicine. Brae has severe fever induced seizures so things like strep throat, etc not so good around here. Of course that is what we have is strep throat! I took him in as soon as he started a low grade fever and complaining so we are on antibiotics and hopefully by the time I leave Thursday he will at least be done with any fevers which will significantly lower seizure probability.

Brae is also not so sure about this whole Mom leaving thing. I will be gone about 48 hours and he has been super clingy since he found out. I know he will have fun with Britt and dad once I am gone. They are planning a video game competition marathon.

Britt is growing up so much and while part of me hates it another part is really loving this girl who wants to run errands, and shop with me, and eat lunch with and have talks.

I am going to a home school conference in Oklahoma City with 3 friends. So excited. We leave Thursday evening and will be back Saturday evening. Plan to do lots of home school shopping which is so fun to us, and catch the movie "All My Past Girlfriends".

Next week will be a busy one as my baby turns 10! How did it happen that I no longer have one in single digits. I am planning a pirate party, complete with cardboard pirate ship to play in and a cake with cannons! Then two days later a huge end of the year sleepover for girl scouts, luckily doing that at a hotel but still planning it.

I am ready for the break to Oklahoma City, I know I will miss the kids, but I will also enjoy myself and love bringing surprises back home to them. Brae has reminded me that school books are not acceptable surprises...LOL.


Another Suburban Mom said...

Have a great trip! I threw a pirate party for DB and it was the best ever.

I gave all of the kids kerchief's and eye patches, had a cannon shaped pinata and let them run wild in the yard.

Then they had cake and went home.

Unknown said...

Oh sure. Miss the kids.....only.

Stacey said...

you ARE always "busy busy"! i hope you have a great girl trip! they will do fine while you take a break!

kel said...

Sorry Honey I will miss you too BUNCHES!