Monday, August 09, 2004

School starts back

I am not very good at keeping my post my husband reminds me often.

Just a little about my great weekend, my parents took the kids to Texas with them for my cousin's wedding. So Matt and I had time alone, we missed the kids but oh it was SO nice. We got to go out shopping, we went to dinner, ordered pizza with all the toppings not just pepperoni, slept in. It was great, but by Sunday afternoon I was ready for my kids to come home! Now they are home and whining and I am ready to send them back...LOL.

The kids start school Wedensday this is another one of those things where I am glad to see them start but will miss them at the same time. Both kids start school Brittney in 1st and Braden in Kindergarten. I had a meeting at the school today to put emergency procedures in place for Braden (he has special needs and seizures). It went well, but I will admit the elementary principle just really rubs me the wrong way. We have heard this is her last year so we are hopeful. I am PTA president this year so that will be different.

Tommorow night the kids will go to bed early, we already have clothes laid out as we made little tags to go over their hangers for everyday of the week.
