Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Works For Me Wednesday - Traveling Tips

Works for Me Wednesday at Shannons

We love to travel. That is our family thing quick trips for the day, long trips, doesn't matter we just love to go.

Here are a few things that we do:

I make a travel case to keep in the van using a hinged shoebox size rubber maid box. In it there are Band-Aids, Antiseptic hand gel, Small tissue packs, sun screen, bug repellant, Tylenol - children's & adults, zip lock bags (collecting shells, storing food, wet clothes) umbrella, disposable camera (I always have the digital but I have found it is nice sometimes to always know this is in the car), extra copy of any travel documents, birth certificates, etcs.

I also have a 3x5 index card that has all pertinent information containing health issues for all of us, doctors name, 4 emergency contacts. This goes in my purse and in the glove box that way if there is an accident it is likely to be found if for some reason we cannot answer questions. When my kids were in car seats and booster seats I would keep emegency info and contact number on a 3x5 card taped to the bottom of their car seats in case of car accident when driver couldnt answer, etc.

Kids have a travel bag. My favorite was two rubbermaid containers I found that were approximately 12x15x3 these werent too big but the kids could fill them up and use them as desks. The gameboys are a must for us but in addition to those I like to have each kid their own camera to document the trip and depending on length of trip the journey to get there.

Also stuff for long breaks on the way it is nice to have a ball to toss with the kids or a frissbee to release a little energy.


Robin said...

What a terrific idea, especially the meds and the contact info! Thanks for sharing it.

Rae said...

Great ideas! Very, very useful. Thanks for sharing, have a great Wednesday! =)

Annie said...

Great tip!

BarnGoddess_01 said...

good idea about the info taped to the bottom of the car seats!

Ms. Kathleen said...

We will be traveling soon and with the grandbaby in tow. I should also make up one for my daughter to have on hand. EXCELLENT IDEA!

Unknown said...

oh well crap lol you have putme to shame again. I should do that in my car. lol I have those back seat organizers but the kids never ever put the stuff back in them everything goes to the floor grrrr

Shane H. said...

You're such a well prepared mom!